Why is Personality Profiling Important

Definition of personality profiling

Put simply, it should bring about a non-judgemental workplace assessment tool used to identify the differences in people’s behaviour. It can look at one person, a team of people and even help to resolve conflicts. It is designed to improve productivity, teamwork, leadership skills and how we communicate with each other counting external customers and prospects.

Using a profiling instrument should be a positive, progressive and constructive experience. Taking positive steps towards skill-building, soft skill enhancement, improving critical thinking and better decision-making.

List of Human Skills

  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution
  • Empathy
  • Decision-making
  • Time management
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking

We’re all different. In a world where billions of people of various sizes, shapes, religions, faiths, colours and creed are all trying to make the most of their life, everyone of us has something unique to offer. We’re not going to get along with everyone else, and that’s OK. We don’t have to. We have to get through our life the best we can. If we can do that without harming anyone else, then even better. 

We’re born, we grow, we learn, we meet the love of our life and we marry. Maybe we try again when we realise they weren’t the love of our life after all. We start a family and endeavour to nurture children of our own. We build our own little place we call home, on a spinning rock hurtling through an infinite universe. We do it differently to everyone else. That’s pretty amazing when you think about it.

Why use Personality Profiling?

Personality learning 

Provides an opportunity for:

  • Reflection
  • Bringing people together
  • Improved understanding of own behaviours
  • Increased understanding of others behaviours
  • Greater tolerance levels between team members
  • Clarifying the objective
  • Building consensus
  • Creating ownership and accountability

School is full of lessons, but so too is life. We learn new things every day. As adults, there’s an immense sense of wonder in learning new skills and even more so when we learn something about ourselves. We are a mystery to each other and to ourselves at times. We strive to be better, wiser and more knowledgeable to make the journey we’re all on worthwhile. 

Personality profiling for business

Personalty profiling for business improvments

For those carrying the responsibility of management and leadership, participants learn how their management style influences how they manage time, make decisions their approach to individuals and how they approach problems.


Why is Personality Profiling Important ?

Everything DiSC for workplace profiling

Because its essential for individuals to understand more about their own and others behaviours for them to then adapt to the styles of their colleagues. Bringing out the best in each and every employee.

Whilst the universe may be infinite, life is not. When you’re squashed like a sardine on your daily commute, it might seem like forever, but it won’t last that long. On average, we spend around 90,000 hours of our lives at work over our lifetime. That’s 3,750 days. It’s a lot of time to spend in a place with colleagues. During these times post 2020 staff members are often working from home where communicating with their colleagues is a whole different scenario. It would make things so much better if we got along with them right?

Any workplace will be a melting pot of personalities. They will all share the same goal, but all be doing it for different reasons. Some will just be doing it for money, others will be doing it because they are on the career ladder. There’s no better illustration of the human spirit than a thriving workplace. 

Disparate people thrown together for the common good. When it works, it feels great. When it doesn’t, it’s time to re-evaluate how to make it better. When that happens, you need DiSC® or more specifically, Everything DiSC®.  Options for teams, sales teams or leadership


Everything DiSC on the Catalyst platform for profiling teams in the workplace

Sample Profile Reports

Choose from several Everything DiSC® type reports to download

DiSC® Downloads
DiSC on Catalyst profiling  sample report to view

Sample Report

Download an example Everything DiSC on Catalyst report in PDF format here.

DiSC on Catalyst Download
DiSC profiling for sales report sample ideal account management and customer service departments

Sample Report

Download an example report for sales and customer servce on DiSC

Sales on DiSC Download
DiSC  profiling sample report for leaders in the workplace

Sample Report

Download an example report for leaders creating a DiSC culture. PDF format

DiSC for leaders Download

Everything DiSC workplace teams- profile only   .Team working Courses

DiSC for sales, account management & customer service. Profile only.  


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