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Work of Leaders Profile Everything DiSC®

Work of Leaders Profile Everything DiSC®

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Everything DiSC® for Leaders


Like all things relating to Everything DISC® assessments by the world-renowned Wiley, their ‘Work of Leaders' profile is based on research. A lot! is rooted in psychology and research. To create this profile they worked with 350 business leaders across 150 different organisations over four years.

By answering a series of personality-based assessment questions, Everything DISC® will develop a 23-page guide to help you navigate the Work of Leaders profile. Like everything, Wiley does, it's broken down for ease of reading. The report will help you work towards the principles which all good leaders abide by.

  • Create a VISION
  • Building ALIGNMENT to that Vision
  • Champion the EXECUTION of that Vision

Anyone who considers themselves in a position of leadership. Examples could be managers, directors, executives, business owners, team leaders, and supervisors. All of which will benefit from this enlightening process.

NB this profile can be taken on a standalone basis for self-reflection 

Building a Team

With such a wide-ranging data sample, they developed a set of leadership best practices across a range of industries. The real benefit of this particular profile is that it focuses on how your style influences your effectiveness. Rather than just looking at those interactions between people, it covers a whole spectrum of situations.

Team Manager

Matters can include team conflict, onboarding, communication issues, change management, identifying traits in preparation for a career move and so much more.  Helpful for leaders who are trying to find their place in this world. Particularly helpful for discovering their own preferences and character strengths

  1.  Simply add to cart. 
  2.  Purchase.
  3.  A DiSC Personalised login will be sent to you within 24 hours (usually sooner)
  4.  You undertake the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders questionnaire
  5.  You will be issued your personalised 24-page report. 

If your first language isn’t English, don’t worry. The Work of Leaders is also available in Danish, Finnish, German, Norwegian and Swedish.

Get Leadership profiling for success!


Leadership Team Training

If a group workshop best suits your needs then take a look at our group facilitation workshops. We can offer a Bespoke group session to assist with your organisational aims and objectives.

Personality profiling tests for all the team

Taken in isolation, it will help you to reflect on your own behavioural style to inspire you to be more effective. However, when you recognise it in its entirety, it becomes so much more.  When taken with other leaders it’s designed to provoke reflection and encourage conversations amongst your leadership team.

By using the profile tool within a group of leaders, comparison reports will be available to provide collective insight across the whole team. Far from creating division, this enriching process drives effective behaviours across workplaces.


If you are an individual and not wishing for group activity. You may wish at a later stage to opt for either a one-off 45 minute follow up session to explore and go deeper into your report. Or book a short series of One to One Coaching Sessions

If you select one of the above coaching or group options it is important to remember that we are certified and equipped to translate these reports in a way that makes more sense away from the written word. Therefore actions are being implemented and individuals will move towards their goals swiftly. 

DiSC FAQ;s : Commonly asked questions 
More Information: What is DiSC profiling
Sample Reports: Everything DiSC Profile Dowloads
Videos: Everything DiSC in action 

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    Courses for the workplace

    Built on a Foundation of Research and Rigor: Everything DiSC provides a trustworthy assessment with strong psychometric properties, and prioritises quality. Using computer adaptive testing, global norming, and real-world testing.

Improve your Teams culture using DiSC the most popular profiling instrument

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Course development can be facilitated either virtually (remotely) inhouse or at a mutually agreed venue. Bespoke options avaiable.

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