
Do you want your business to adopt an Everything DISC® culture without a learning and development team, resources, or an in-house trainer?  Or If you usually outsource your training and are unsure if they have experience with DiSC,. On request, we can provide a highly experienced Everything DISC® facilitator 

Take a look at the courses below Or you can complete an organisational pre-assessment. now. This will assist us to determine a bespoke solution for your workplace.

DiSC for work of leaders course

Everything DiSC® for Workplace Teams

This course is for anyone who aims to create a workplace that thrives through improved understanding, from top to bottom. For teams or across a whole organisation to create a DiSC Culture

Outsource DiSC® for Teams
DISC for workplace teams course

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders

This particular DiSC learning relates directly to management, leadership and senior management teams. It’s a part of the overall Everything DISC® process that has been designed specifically for those at the top to get tangible results and the teams they work with.

Outsource DiSC® for Leaders
DiSC for leading sales teams

Everything DiSC® Sales Course

This course is for anyone who is involved in sales, customer service or account management. People working in customer retention, complaints or roles that involve negotiating will benefit from this learning too.

Outsource DiSC® for Sales
DiSC for all teams inclusive medical

DiSC® Agile EQ Course

Teams, organisations, leaders who want to increase their emotional intelligence. Additionally available as an add on with DiSC on Catalyst. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions, at the same time those of others.

Outsource Agile EQ
DiSC on Catalyst with groups

DiSC® On Catalyst™ Course

An Alternative to the traditional PDF reports Catalyst™ cuts through the noise with simple yet highly effective technology. Provides touchpoints to refine communication styles in real time. Helping individuals adapt their approach and compare their styles with others.

Easy and readily accessible this platform permits moving beyond one-time training to supporting continuous development

Outsource DiSC® On Catalyst™
Group sessions with DiSC at My Training Shop Ltd

Be-spoke Skills Training

Courses designed to enhance workplace skills and integrate Everything DiSC® to assist individuals in understanding their behaviours and how they can best develop within the workplace. Included is improving team collaboration, leadership skills, conflict resolution etc

Other Training