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10 steps to saying no; unreservedly & with ease & grace

10 steps to saying no; unreservedly & with ease & grace

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Learn to say NO!


21 page: Ebook & Workbook combo

Do you find it difficult to say ‘no’? Do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ when you would much rather say ‘no’? It’s unsurprising, as most of us are taught that saying ‘no’ is selfish. Women, in particular, are standardly taught to be compliant and generous. Understandably - most of us were taught that refusing is selfish.  

You feel people will think poorly of you (you’re a slacker, bad son, daughter or friend, not a team player ……) Worse still you are afraid of rejection!

In the workplace, undertaking tasks or working late can even grant us the title of a great team member.

Friends and family can expect commitments from us too, that serve to render their lives easier. But at what cost does this have on you?

Always saying "yes" or once too often volunteering for tasks makes it easy to get stuck in that fatal loop where opportunities can never then be shared with anyone else.  

Learning to say NO can be like a bolt of lightning as your confidence improves and those around you start to respect your decisions.

If you prepare well, you won’t be losing you’ll be winning.

This 21-page eBook and workbook combo is designed to assert you throughout the following steps:


Upon completing this 21-page ebook and workbook, you will have gained valuable knowledge and be well on the way to applying the following:

  1. Giving yourself permission
  2. Knowing and respecting your own boundaries
  3. How prioritising you isn’t selfish
  4. How to take time to reframe
  5. Being consistent
  6. Have your script ready
  7. Offer alternatives when saying no
  8. Being polite whilst refusing
  9. How it’s not all or nothing when asserting yourself
  10. Be equipped to Practice!

Opt for a better advantage - start by learning how to say 'NO'! 

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