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Everything DiSC® Conflict facilitation kit

Everything DiSC® Conflict facilitation kit

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DiSC®facilitation kits for Productive Conflict

Half-day programme consisting of 3 modules. These modules include fully scripted facilitation, engaging activities, and workplace-focused video. There are also two optional activities, the DiSC Conflict Map and the Comparison Report.

The training kit materials are customizable. You can change video clips, modify the PowerPoint® presentation, and add or delete sections to fit any timeframe. The kit includes a sample Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile and a sample Everything DiSC Comparison Report.

Module 1 DiSC in Conflict - 90 minutes session:

DiSC Productive Conflict workshop is about understanding how DiSC styles influence conflict behaviours in oneself and others.

Module 2. Destructive Responses – 50-minute session:

Participants explore how their thoughts can lead to destructive conflict responses. They also learn about the typical thoughts and behaviours associated with different DiSC styles.

Module 3. Changing your response – 90-minute session:

Participants in the program learn a technique to reframe their thoughts. This technique helps them make better choices in conflict situations.

Optional Module: DiSC Conflict Map

Participants in the DiSC style identification activity are asked to identify both productive and destructive behaviours associated with each style.

Optional Module: Comparison Report

Participants are introduced to the Everything DiSC® Comparison Report. This report helps them enhance their relationships with others.

Facilitation Kit Contents

All Facilitator Kits contain various digital resources for training purposes. Easy to follow, well-detailed and customisable.

The kit is easily customisable with optional video clips. You can modify the PowerPoint® presentation with embedded video. It comes with a comprehensive trainer's guide and participant handouts. You can add or delete sections to fit your timeframes.

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict is designed to be paired with the Everything DiSC Productive Profile

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